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The MSC 360 Process

Risk Management Consulting Strategies & Execution

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MSC Insurance offers a diagnostic and consultative approach for uncovering and mitigating risk for individuals and businesses.

It begins with a curiosity and desire to understand the inner workings of a business, otherwise it is not possible to adequately perform exposure identification.

The MSC360 Process utilizes a variety of techniques to identify, measure and reduce risk while enhancing an organization’s performance through non-insurance solutions. Each decision about how to manage risk is designed to improve your business’ bottom line.

Our consultative approach utilizes risk mitigation tools and services designed to increase and protect our clients’ profit.

MSC Process
Identify and Analyze Risk Exposures
We believe our clients are better off with us than without us.
Design Strategies to Mitigate Risk
We believe innovation and constant improvement is the foundation for success.
Execute Strategies
We believe strategy without execution is just an idea.
Insurance Procurement
We believe value must always exceed price.
Monitor 365
Success is in the follow through!

MSC360 process takes time to actually identify and understand your risk… creating more value and savings in the placement of your insurance.

Involved and supportive management
Exceptional safety and risk management culture
Proactive safety policies, procedures, and controls
Focused training and orientation programs
Improved claim experience